83 Preface أَفَغَيرَ دينِ اللَّهِ يَبغونَ وَلَهُ أَسلَمَ مَن فِي السَّماواتِ وَالأَرضِ طَوعًا وَكَرهًا وَإِلَيهِ يُرجَعونَYusuf AliDo they seek for other than the Religion of God.- while all creatures in the heavens and on earth have, willing or unwilling1, bowed to His Will (Accepted Islam), and to Him shall they all be brought back.God’s Truth is manifest, and all that is good and true and sane and normal accepts it with joy. But even where there is “disease in the heart” (2:10), or judgment is obscured by perversity, every creature must eventually see and acknowledge God and His power (2:167), Cf. R. Bridges: “Testament of Beauty”: 4:1419-22 -"For God’s love is unescapable as nature’s environment, which if a man ignore or think to thrust it off, he is the ill-natured fool that runneth blindly on death.” All Nature adores God, and Islam asks for nothing peculiar or sectarian; it but asks that we follow our nature and make our will conformable to God’s Will as seen in Nature, history, and revelation. Its message is universal.