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Sura 3
Aya 44
ذٰلِكَ مِن أَنباءِ الغَيبِ نوحيهِ إِلَيكَ ۚ وَما كُنتَ لَدَيهِم إِذ يُلقونَ أَقلامَهُم أَيُّهُم يَكفُلُ مَريَمَ وَما كُنتَ لَدَيهِم إِذ يَختَصِمونَ

George Sale

This is a secret history: We reveal it unto thee, although thou wast not present with them when they threw in their rods to cast lots which of them should have the education of Mary; neither wast thou with them, when they strove among themselves.