172 Preface الَّذينَ استَجابوا لِلَّهِ وَالرَّسولِ مِن بَعدِ ما أَصابَهُمُ القَرحُ ۚ لِلَّذينَ أَحسَنوا مِنهُم وَاتَّقَوا أَجرٌ عَظيمٌYusuf AliOf those who answered the call of God and the Messenger, even after being wounded,1 those who do right and refrain from wrong have a great reward;-After the confusion at Uḥud, men rallied round the Prophet. He was wounded, and they were wounded, but they were all ready to fight again. Abū Sufyan with his Meccans withdrew, but left a challenge with them to meet him and his army again at the fair of Badr al Sughra next year. The challenge was accepted, and a picked band of Muslims under their intrepid Leader kept the tryst, but the enemy did not come. They returned, not only unharmed, but enriched by the trade at the fair, and (it may be presumed) strengthened by the accession of new adherents to their cause.