Then, after the sorrow He sent down tranquility upon you - a slumber which overwhelmed a party of you, while another party (of the hypocrites) whom their own personal interests had made anxious, entertained unjustly false notions about Allâh like the false notions (they used to bear in the days) of ignorance. They said, `Have we any authority in (the execution of) the matter (of administration)?' Say, `The whole authority rests with Allâh.' They hide in their minds (- thoughts) which they would not disclose to you. They say, `If we had any authority in (the execution of) the matter (of administration) we would not have been killed here.' Say, `Even if you had been confined in your homes, surely those who were ordained to be slain would have, nevertheless, gone forth to the places where they were destined to fall. And (all this that took place in the Battle of Uhud was) that Allâh might reveal what was in your hearts and so that He might purge what was in your minds. And Allâh knows well what is in the minds (of the people).