Thereafter did Allah replace the emotion of sorrow and grief by peace of mind and sense of security, which induced the eyes of some of you to take themselves to slumber. Others were aroused to emotion, which begot unjust suspicion of Allah, and a state of mind characteristic of ignorance - analogous to the ignorance induced by paganism. The latter keep their thoughts to themselves and do not express them to you O Muhammad and they say to themselves: "If we had a say in the matter we would never have been slain here in battle!" Say to them: "Had you decided to be the stay- at- home, those of you predestined to be slain would have emerged to the sites of their interment." Such a train of events, Allah has ordained to expose your actions interpreting your thoughts, and to test your innermost being for such a disposition as your hearts and minds would incline you to propound. Allah is 'Alimun of all that is stored in the bosoms.