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Sura 29
Aya 63
وَلَئِن سَأَلتَهُم مَن نَزَّلَ مِنَ السَّماءِ ماءً فَأَحيا بِهِ الأَرضَ مِن بَعدِ مَوتِها لَيَقولُنَّ اللَّهُ ۚ قُلِ الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ ۚ بَل أَكثَرُهُم لا يَعقِلونَ

Rashad Khalifa

If you ask them, "Who sends down from the sky water, to revive dead land," they will say, "GOD." Say, "Praise GOD." Most of them do not understand.