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Sura 28
Aya 85
إِنَّ الَّذي فَرَضَ عَلَيكَ القُرآنَ لَرادُّكَ إِلىٰ مَعادٍ ۚ قُل رَبّي أَعلَمُ مَن جاءَ بِالهُدىٰ وَمَن هُوَ في ضَلالٍ مُبينٍ

Syed V. Ahamed

Surely (O Prophet!) He, Who ordained the Quran for you, will bring you back to the Place of Return (signifies both Makkah and the Hereafter). Say: "My Lord knows best who brings true guidance, and who is openly in the wrong."