50 Preface فَإِن لَم يَستَجيبوا لَكَ فَاعلَم أَنَّما يَتَّبِعونَ أَهواءَهُم ۚ وَمَن أَضَلُّ مِمَّنِ اتَّبَعَ هَواهُ بِغَيرِ هُدًى مِنَ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يَهدِي القَومَ الظّالِمينَAli Quli QaraiThen if they do not respond to you[r] [summons] know that they only follow their desires. And who is more astray than him who follows his desires without any guidance from Allah? Indeed Allah does not guide the wrongdoing lot.