4إِنَّ فِرعَونَ عَلا فِي الأَرضِ وَجَعَلَ أَهلَها شِيَعًا يَستَضعِفُ طائِفَةً مِنهُم يُذَبِّحُ أَبناءَهُم وَيَستَحيي نِساءَهُم ۚ إِنَّهُ كانَ مِنَ المُفسِدينَJ. M. RodwellNow Pharaoh lifted himself up in the earth, and divided his people into parties: one portion of them he brought low - He slew their male children, and let their females only live; for he was one of those who wrought disorders.