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Sura 28
Aya 25
فَجاءَتهُ إِحداهُما تَمشي عَلَى استِحياءٍ قالَت إِنَّ أَبي يَدعوكَ لِيَجزِيَكَ أَجرَ ما سَقَيتَ لَنا ۚ فَلَمّا جاءَهُ وَقَصَّ عَلَيهِ القَصَصَ قالَ لا تَخَف ۖ نَجَوتَ مِنَ القَومِ الظّالِمينَ

Laleh Bakhtiar

Then, drew near him one of the two women, walking bashfully. She said: Truly, my father calls to thee that he may give thee recompense of compensation because thou hadst drawn water for us. So when he drew near him and related to him the narrative, he said: Fear not. Thou wert delivered from the folk, ones who are unjust.