63 Preface أَمَّن يَهديكُم في ظُلُماتِ البَرِّ وَالبَحرِ وَمَن يُرسِلُ الرِّياحَ بُشرًا بَينَ يَدَي رَحمَتِهِ ۗ أَإِلٰهٌ مَعَ اللَّهِ ۚ تَعالَى اللَّهُ عَمّا يُشرِكونَYusuf AliOr, Who guides you through the depths of darkness on land and sea, and Who sends the winds as heralds1 of glad tidings, going before His Mercy? (Can there be another) god besides God.- High is God above what they associate with Him!Cf. 25:48, n. 3104. After external nature, our attention was drawn to our inner consciousness; after that, it is drawn here to our social and collective life, in which we use the forces of nature for international intercourse, trade, agriculture, production, and economic well-being generally. In the next verse, we are asked to contemplate creation from its primeval stages, through its intermediate processes, to the final Destiny in a new creation-a new heaven and a new earth.