77 Preface فَإِنَّهُم عَدُوٌّ لي إِلّا رَبَّ العالَمينَYusuf Ali“For they are enemies to me;1 not so the Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds;The things that you worship are enemies to mankind: let me testify from my own personal experience: they are enemies to me: they can do me no good, but would lead me astray. Contrast with their importance or their power of mischief the One True God Whom I worship: He created me and all the Worlds; He cherishes me and guides me; He takes care of me; and when I die, He will give me new life; He will forgive me and grant me final Salvation. Will you then come to this true worship? How can you doubt, after seeing the contrast of the one with the other? Is it not as the contrast between Light and Darkness?'