59 Preface كَذٰلِكَ وَأَورَثناها بَني إِسرائيلَYusuf AliThus it was, but We made the Children of Israel inheritors1 of such things.In deference to almost unanimous authority I have translated this passage (verses 58-60) as if it were a parenthetical statement of God’s purpose. Personally I prefer another construction. According to that, verses 58-59 will be part of Pharaoh’s proclamation: “We have dispossessed the Israelites from everything good in the land, and made them our slaves”; and verse 59 only will be parenthetical: “Poor ignorant men! You may oppress those who are helpless, but We (i.e. God) have declared that they shall inherit all these things”, as they certainly did (for a time) in the Land of Promise, Palestine.