216 Preface فَإِن عَصَوكَ فَقُل إِنّي بَريءٌ مِمّا تَعمَلونَYusuf AliThen if they disobey thee, say: “I am free (of responsibility) for what ye do!”1“Disobey thee” implied that they did something wrong, for the Prophet commanded what was right and forbade what was wrong. If, then, any of his flock did wrong the responsibility was not his, for he, like a good shepherd, tried to keep them right. What was he then to do? He would continue his teaching. But if any of them went so far wrong as to try to injure their own Teacher, Leader and guide, there was nothing for him to fear. His trust was only in God and God sees and appraises all men’s actions at their true worth.