96ادفَع بِالَّتي هِيَ أَحسَنُ السَّيِّئَةَ ۚ نَحنُ أَعلَمُ بِما يَصِفونَMuhammad Asad[But whatever they may say or do,] repel the evil [which they commit] with something that is better:1 We are fully aware of what they attribute [to Us].See surah 13, note 44. In the present context, the evil referred to consists - as the next clause shows - in blasphemous attempts at "defining" God (cf. verse 91); but the ethical principle implied in the above injunction is the same as that expressed in the last clause of 13:22 as well as in 41:34 - namely, that evil must not be countered with another evil but, rather, repelled by an act of goodness.