90بَل أَتَيناهُم بِالحَقِّ وَإِنَّهُم لَكاذِبونَMuhammad AsadNay, We have conveyed unto them the truth: and yet, behold, they are intent on lying [to themselves]!1Lit., "they are indeed liars" - i.e., they deceive themselves by asserting that they believe in God and, at the same time, rejecting the idea of a life after death, which - in view of the fact that many wrongdoers prosper in this world while many righteous lead a life of suffering - is insolubly bound up with the concept of divine justice. Apart from this, a denial of the possibility of resurrection implies a doubt as to God's unlimited power and, thus, of His Godhead in the true sense of this concept. This latter doubt often finds its expression in the mystic belief in a multiplicity of divine powers: and it is to this erroneous belief that the next verse alludes.