44ثُمَّ أَرسَلنا رُسُلَنا تَترىٰ ۖ كُلَّ ما جاءَ أُمَّةً رَسولُها كَذَّبوهُ ۚ فَأَتبَعنا بَعضَهُم بَعضًا وَجَعَلناهُم أَحاديثَ ۚ فَبُعدًا لِقَومٍ لا يُؤمِنونَN. J. Dawoodand sent forth Our apostles in succession. Yet time after time they disbelieved their apostles, so that We destroyed them one by one and held them up as an example. Gone are the unbelievers.