67لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ جَعَلنا مَنسَكًا هُم ناسِكوهُ ۖ فَلا يُنازِعُنَّكَ فِي الأَمرِ ۚ وَادعُ إِلىٰ رَبِّكَ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَعَلىٰ هُدًى مُستَقيمٍ(Saheeh International)For every religion We have appointed rites which they perform. So, [O Muḥammad], let them [i.e., the disbelievers] not contend with you over the matter but invite them to your Lord. Indeed, you are upon straight guidance.