O’ mankind, if you have any doubt about [the Lord’s promised] resurrection, consider this: I am the One Who created the first man from earthly materials and then established the following system for your evolution. You were a tiny egg, then I turned you into a piece of an almost dried blood, out of which I brought up a little lump of flesh. Some embryos survive and some are miscarried. I am telling you all this in detail to make it plain to you. Thus the surviving embryos will stay in the wombs of their mother for a fixed period of time. I bring you then to this world1 as an infant and help you to grow and reach the height of your strength. Some of you die earlier and some of you are destined to see you miserable old ages, when you will forget all you knew. As an another example for the possibility of Resurrection, consider a dead land. As soon as I sent My rain, it becomes alive and give birth to all kinds of vegetation.