46أَفَلَم يَسيروا فِي الأَرضِ فَتَكونَ لَهُم قُلوبٌ يَعقِلونَ بِها أَو آذانٌ يَسمَعونَ بِها ۖ فَإِنَّها لا تَعمَى الأَبصارُ وَلٰكِن تَعمَى القُلوبُ الَّتي فِي الصُّدورِMajid DaryabadiHave they not marched forth in the land, so that there might become unto them hearts to understand with or ears re hear with? Verily it is not the sights that are blinded but blinded are the hearts that are in the breasts.