37لَن يَنالَ اللَّهَ لُحومُها وَلا دِماؤُها وَلٰكِن يَنالُهُ التَّقوىٰ مِنكُم ۚ كَذٰلِكَ سَخَّرَها لَكُم لِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّهَ عَلىٰ ما هَداكُم ۗ وَبَشِّرِ المُحسِنينَWahiduddin KhanTheir flesh and blood do not reach God: it is your piety that reaches Him. Thus God has subjected them to you, so that you may glorify Him for the guidance He has given you. Give glad tidings to those who do good.