29ثُمَّ ليَقضوا تَفَثَهُم وَليوفوا نُذورَهُم وَليَطَّوَّفوا بِالبَيتِ العَتيقِMuhammad AsadThereafter let them bring to an end their state of self-denial,1 and let them fulfil the vows which they [may] have made, and let them walk [once again] around the Most Ancient Temple.2In Tabari's opinion, the phrase thumma 'l-yaqdu tafathahum signifies "then let then complete the acts of worship (manasik) incumbent on them by virtue of their pilgrimage". Othe commentators, however, understand by the (extremely rare) expression tafath the prohibition ~ enjoying, while in the actual state of pilgrimage, certain bodily comforts like cutting or shaving one's hair (see 2:196), wearing any clothing but the simple, unsewn pilgrim's garb (ihram) indulging in sexual intercourse (2:197), etc. Consequently, they explain the above phrase a meaning "let them bring to an end the [condition of self-denial described as] tafath which was incumbent on them during pilgrimage".I.e., around the Ka'bah (see surah 2, notes 102 and 104) thus completing the pilgrimage.