13يَدعو لَمَن ضَرُّهُ أَقرَبُ مِن نَفعِهِ ۚ لَبِئسَ المَولىٰ وَلَبِئسَ العَشيرُMuhammad Asad[And sometimes] he invokes [another human being - ] one that is far more likely to cause harm than benefit: vile, indeed, is such a patron, and vile the follower!1The interpolation of "another human being" in the opening clause of this verse is necessitated by the relative pronoun man ("one that" or "who"), which almost always relates to an animate person - in this case, a human being who, by allowing himself to be idolized by those who "worship God on the border-line of faith", causes infinite spiritual harm to himself and to his followers.