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Sura 22
Aya 1

Chapter 22

The Pilgrimageal-Ḥajj ( الحج )

78 verses • revealed at Medinan

»The surah wherein God commands Abraham to proclaim to all humanity the obligation of The Pilgrimage to the Ancient House of God—The Kaʿbah—in Mecca. Verse 26 ff. of this surah relate the ḥajj pilgrimage, after which it is named. This theme is introduced by the condemnation of those who bar the believers from access to the Sacred Mosque and is followed by permission to fight when attacked. It begins with the Day of Judgement and castigates those who worship useless idols, describing them later as powerless to create even a fly. The surah ends by urging the Muslims to persevere in following the faith of Abraham.«

The surah is also known as The Hajj-Pilgrimage, Tile Pilgrimage

بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

Jalaluddin: (Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang)

يا أَيُّهَا النّاسُ اتَّقوا رَبَّكُم ۚ إِنَّ زَلزَلَةَ السّاعَةِ شَيءٌ عَظيمٌ


(Hai manusia!) yakni penduduk Mekah dan selainnya (Bertakwalah kepada Rabb kalian) takutlah kalian akan azab-Nya, yaitu dengan taat kepada-Nya (sesungguhnya keguncangan hari kiamat itu) yakni saat gempa yang amat dahsyat menimpa bumi, lalu disusul dengan terbitnya matahari dari tempat terbenamnya, itulah pertanda kiamat telah di ambang pintu (adalah suatu kejadian yang sangat besar) sangat mengejutkan manusia hal ini merupakan semacam azab.