89وَزَكَرِيّا إِذ نادىٰ رَبَّهُ رَبِّ لا تَذَرني فَردًا وَأَنتَ خَيرُ الوارِثينَMuhammad AsadAND [thus did We deliver] Zachariah when he cried out unto his Sustainer: "O my Sustainer! Leave me not childless! But [even if Thou grant me no bodily heir, I know that] Thou wilt remain when all else has ceased to be!"1Lit., "Thou art the best of inheritors" - a phrase explained in note 22 on 15:23. The words interpolated by me between brackets correspond to Zamakhshari's and Razi's interpretation of this phrase. For more detailed references to Zachariah, father of John the Baptist, see 3:37 ff. and 19:2 if.