87وَذَا النّونِ إِذ ذَهَبَ مُغاضِبًا فَظَنَّ أَن لَن نَقدِرَ عَلَيهِ فَنادىٰ فِي الظُّلُماتِ أَن لا إِلٰهَ إِلّا أَنتَ سُبحانَكَ إِنّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظّالِمينَGeorge SaleAnd remember Dhu'lnun, when he departed in wrath, and thought that We could not exercise our power over him. And he cried out in the darkness, saying, there is no God, besides Thee: Praise be unto Thee! Verily I have been one of the unjust.