7 Preface وَما أَرسَلنا قَبلَكَ إِلّا رِجالًا نوحي إِلَيهِم ۖ فَاسأَلوا أَهلَ الذِّكرِ إِن كُنتُم لا تَعلَمونَYusuf AliBefore thee, also, the messengers We sent were but men, to whom We granted inspiration: If ye realise this not, ask of those who possess the Message.1See 16:43 and n. 2069. This answers the Unbelievers’ taunt, “he is just a man like ourselves!” True, but all messengers sent by God were men, not angels or another kind of beings, who could not understand men or whom men could not understand.