62 Preface قالوا أَأَنتَ فَعَلتَ هٰذا بِآلِهَتِنا يا إِبراهيمُYusuf AliThey said, “Art thou the one that did this with our gods, O Abraham?”1They asked him the formal question. There was no mystery about it. He had already openly threatened to do something to the idols, and people who had heard his threats were there. He now continues his ironic taunt to the idolworshippers. 'You ask me! Why don’t you ask the idols? Doesn’t it look as if this big fellow has smashed the smaller ones in a quarrel?' If they do not ask the idols, they confess that the idols have not intelligence enough to answer! This argument is developed in verses 64-67. Note that while the false worshipper laughed at his earnestness, he pays them back with a grim practical joke, which at the same time advances the cause of Truth.