22 Preface لَو كانَ فيهِما آلِهَةٌ إِلَّا اللَّهُ لَفَسَدَتا ۚ فَسُبحانَ اللَّهِ رَبِّ العَرشِ عَمّا يَصِفونَYusuf AliIf there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods1 besides God, there would have been confusion in both! but glory to God, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!After the false gods of the earth (verse 21), are mentioned the false gods in the heavens and the earth, like those in the Greek Pantheon (verse 22), who quarrelled and fought and slandered each other and made their Olympus a perfect bear-garden!