19وَلَهُ مَن فِي السَّماواتِ وَالأَرضِ ۚ وَمَن عِندَهُ لا يَستَكبِرونَ عَن عِبادَتِهِ وَلا يَستَحسِرونَMuhammad Asadfor, unto Him belong all [beings] that are in the heavens and on earth; and those that arewith Him1 are never too proud to worship Him and never grow weary [thereof]:According to the classical commentators, this refers to the angels; but it is possible to understand the expression "those who are with Him" in a wider sense, comprising not only the angels but also all human beings who are truly God-conscious and wholly dedicated to Him. In either case, their "being with Him" is a metaphorical indication of their spiritual eminence and place of honour in God's sight, and does not bear any spatial connotation of "nearness" (Zamakhshari and Razi): obviously so, because God is limitless in space as well as in time. (See also 40:7 and the corresponding note 4.)