88وَقالوا قُلوبُنا غُلفٌ ۚ بَل لَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ بِكُفرِهِم فَقَليلًا ما يُؤمِنونَMuhammad AsadBut they say, "Our hearts are already full of knowledge."1 Nay, but God has rejected them because of their refusal to acknowledge the truth: for, few are the things in which they believe.2Lit., "our hearts are repositories [of knowledge]"- an allusion to the boast of the Jews that in view of the religious knowledge which they already possess, they are in no need of any further preaching (Ibn Kathir, on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas; identical explanations are mentioned by Tabari and Zamakhshari).i.e., all their beliefs are centred on themselves and their alleged "exceptional" status in the sight of God.