58وَإِذ قُلنَا ادخُلوا هٰذِهِ القَريَةَ فَكُلوا مِنها حَيثُ شِئتُم رَغَدًا وَادخُلُوا البابَ سُجَّدًا وَقولوا حِطَّةٌ نَغفِر لَكُم خَطاياكُم ۚ وَسَنَزيدُ المُحسِنينَN. J. Dawood‘Enter this city,’ We said, ‘and eat where you will to your hearts’ content. Make your way reverently through the gates, saying: “We repent.” We shall forgive you your sins and bestow abundance on the righteous.’