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Sura 2
Aya 30
وَإِذ قالَ رَبُّكَ لِلمَلائِكَةِ إِنّي جاعِلٌ فِي الأَرضِ خَليفَةً ۖ قالوا أَتَجعَلُ فيها مَن يُفسِدُ فيها وَيَسفِكُ الدِّماءَ وَنَحنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ ۖ قالَ إِنّي أَعلَمُ ما لا تَعلَمونَ

Mir Aneesuddin

And when your Fosterer said to the angels1, “I am going to make a successor in the earth.” They said, “Are you going to make (him, the successor) in it, who would act corruptly in it and shed blood, when we glorify You by praising You and exalt Your Holiness? “He (Allah) replied, “I know that which you do not know.”
  • Energies: Angels & Jinn: According to the Quran, angels, complying with the orders of Allah, communicate His messages, guard people, record their deeds, punish and help them, cause them to die, are responsible for natural calamities, are incharge of paradise and hell and descend for various other affairs. They thus appear to be involved in doing various works. In scientific terminology, work involves energy.
    Allah alone knows their real forms and functions but the above facts tempt us to ponder over few possibilities: Are angels 'beings' put in charge of various energies by Allah?
    The angels, according to the statement of prophet Muhammed (PBH) reported by Muslim, have been created from 'Noor' (Tafsir ibni Kaseer, Quran, chapter 18, page 103, under explanatory notes). The word Noor, normally translated as light, could also mean radiant energy. Besides, the Arabic word ‘Malak' translated as angel also conveys the sense of strength, power or energy.
    The Quran, about the jinn states:
    And He (Allah) created the jinn from the (heat wave) let free from fire” (Q. Ch. 55, v. 15.). Something let free from fire, in the terminology of science, could mean infrared rays or heat energy.
    Could the angels and the jinn be composed of some forms of radiant energy, whom we cannot perceive through our physical senses but who exist and exert their influence on us without our being conscious of them, just like X-rays, which penetrate the human flesh but do not impart any feeling to the human being concerned?
    Does bowing down of angels before Adam, mean that Allah has Himself given human beings control over some of the energies and that the progress in science and technology is not the achievement of man but just a Divine gift?