Or (as another proof that it is God alone Who gives and takes life, and will restore life to the dead, call to mind) him who passed by a town that had fallen into utter ruin, and asked himself (in bewilderment): "How will God restore life to this town that is now dead?" So God made him remain dead for a hundred years and then raised him to life, and asked him: "How long did you remain in this state?" He said: "I remained so for a day or part of a day." God said: "No, you have rather remained thus for a hundred years. But look at your food and drink: it has not spoiled; and look at your donkey! So We would make you a sign for the people (that they might understand how We have created them and will restore life to them after their death.) And look at the bones, how We will set them up, and then clothe them with flesh." Thus when the truth became clear to him, he said: "I know that God has full power over everything."