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Sura 2
Aya 233
۞ وَالوالِداتُ يُرضِعنَ أَولادَهُنَّ حَولَينِ كامِلَينِ ۖ لِمَن أَرادَ أَن يُتِمَّ الرَّضاعَةَ ۚ وَعَلَى المَولودِ لَهُ رِزقُهُنَّ وَكِسوَتُهُنَّ بِالمَعروفِ ۚ لا تُكَلَّفُ نَفسٌ إِلّا وُسعَها ۚ لا تُضارَّ والِدَةٌ بِوَلَدِها وَلا مَولودٌ لَهُ بِوَلَدِهِ ۚ وَعَلَى الوارِثِ مِثلُ ذٰلِكَ ۗ فَإِن أَرادا فِصالًا عَن تَراضٍ مِنهُما وَتَشاوُرٍ فَلا جُناحَ عَلَيهِما ۗ وَإِن أَرَدتُم أَن تَستَرضِعوا أَولادَكُم فَلا جُناحَ عَلَيكُم إِذا سَلَّمتُم ما آتَيتُم بِالمَعروفِ ۗ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَاعلَموا أَنَّ اللَّهَ بِما تَعمَلونَ بَصيرٌ


Mothers who have given birth shall suckle their babies for a period of two years if deemed necessary to complete the course of breast-feeding. It is incumbent on the child’s father, whether normally married or in the process of a divorce to provide both mother and infant with the means of subsistence and life’s necessities and provide them with clothing according to his means, in equity and honour. No soul is charged with spending except within the means. Nor should a mother or father suffer on account of their child. And in the case of the father’s death, the heir shall be charged with the same responsibility. If both parents wish to interrupt breast-feeding in the infant’s interest and decide to wean, they may do so. If it be deemed necessary to engage a wet nurse to breast-feed the child, you may do so on the condition that the mother or the wet nurse are not denied their due. revere Allah and realise that Allah is Bassirun, He sees all you do.