Accomplish the Hajj (- the Greater Pilgrimage to Makkah) and the `Umrah (- the minor pilgrimage) for the sake of Allâh. But if you are kept back, then (offer) whatever sacrifice is easily available, and do not shave your heads (as is prescribed for the Pilgrims) till the offering reaches its destination (in time, or place). And whosoever of you is sick and has an ailment of his head (necessitating shaving before time) then he should make an expiation either by fasting or alms-giving or by making a sacrifice. When you are in peaceful conditions then he, who would avail himself of the `Umrah (- a visit to the Ka`bah or a minor Hajj) together with the Hajj (- the Greater Pilgrimage and thus performs Tammattu`) should make whatever offering is easily available; and whosoever finds none (for an offering) should fast for three days during (the days of) the pilgrimage and (for) seven (days) when he returns (home) - these are ten complete (days of fasting in all). This is for him whose family does not reside near the Masjid al-Harâm (- the Holy Mosque at Makkah). Take Allâh as a shield, and know that Allâh is Severe in retribution (if you neglect your duties).