And complete the rites of the pilgrimage and of the Umra ( minor pilgrimage) if you had started them unless your course has been obstructed by your enemies or you have fallen sick . Under the circumstances, you shall present whatever offering you can get with ease as a complement of your journey of devotion to Allah. And do not shave your heads or shorten your hair before the offering has reached its destination (the Sacred Mosque) and has been sacrificed and distributed among the poor. But in the web of these circumstances, the sacrifice is made where you are. And he who is sick or suffers an ailment of his scalp is absolved to change the order of succession; he may shave his head or shorten his hair before, providing he makes reparation for it; he may fast for three days (in the usual manner from the break of dawn till sunset) or feed six indigent persons or sacrifice an offering and distribute it among the poor. But under peaceful conditions, he who makes the minor pilgrimage (Umra) and wishes with contentment to remain in the holy precincts onward till pilgrimage, shall be obliged to present an offering such as he can afford. But if he cannot find the suitable object to offer or he does not have the means, then he shall fast three days while in Maccah and seven days on returning home, summing ten days in all. This is a duty incumbent only on him whose family does not reside within the environs of the ka'ba (Sacred Mosque). And regard Allah with veneration and entertain the profound reverence dutiful to Him and do realize that Allah punishes severely.