(It) became/is permitted/allowed to you (the) night of the fasting the obscenity/ indecency (intercourse), to your women (wives), they are (F) a cover/wives to you and you are a cover/husbands tothem (F), God knew that you were betraying/being unfaithful (to) yourselves, so He forgave on you, and He forgave/pardoned on you, so now touch their (F) outer skin , and desire (seek) what God has written/dictated for you, and eat and drink until the thread the white appears from the thread the black from the dawn , then complete the fasting to the night and do not touch their outer skin (while) you are devoting in the mosques/places of worshipping God. Those are God's limits/orders , so do not approach/near it, like that God clarifies His verses/evidences to the people, maybe they fear and obey (God).