(The Abstinence is only for the daytime. Eating, drinking, and going to your wives is not forbidden during the night). It is Lawful to go to your wives on the night of the Abstinence. They are your garments and you are their garments - close to each other, source of mutual comfort, complementing each other, trustworthy and keepers of privacy, reason for d�cor, and redressers of faults. ('Libas' embraces all the meanings given). Allah turns to you in Kindness and dispels and pardons your unworthy fears of disobedience at night. Freeing yourselves of misconceptions, keep seeking in life that Allah has decreed to be available for you. So, eat and drink until the white line of dawn becomes distinct for you from the black line of night. Then you shall be in Abstinence until night begins to fall. During this training program, some of you will be called on deputation in local Centers of the Divine Order. (This will be an assignment from the State. During that special duty you will learn, consult and plan the governmental and social affairs). So you will have to divert your attention from personal matters, even from intimately touching your wives. These are the limits imposed by Allah, so overstep them not. Thus it is that Allah explains His Messages to mankind that they may walk aright.