104يا أَيُّهَا الَّذينَ آمَنوا لا تَقولوا راعِنا وَقولُوا انظُرنا وَاسمَعوا ۗ وَلِلكافِرينَ عَذابٌ أَليمٌJ. M. RodwellO ye who believe! say not to our apostle, "Raina"1 (Look at us); but say, "Ondhorna" (Regard us). And attend to this; for, the Infidels shall suffer a grievous chastisement.Raina, as pronounced in Hebrew, "our bad one;" but in Arabic, "look upon us," a kind of salutation of the same signification as ondhorna, which, however, does not admit of any secondary bad sense like raina.