And they (the Jews) pursued that (magic as well) which the devils used to recite during the reign of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman (Solomon) did not disbelieve (any way). It was in fact the devils that disbelieved. They used to teach witchcraft to the people and (also) pursued that (sorcery) which was sent down upon the two angels named Harut and Marut in the city of Babylon. They both did not teach anything to anyone, so much so that they would say: ‘We are merely (for) trial, therefore, do not become disbelievers (by putting faith in it).’ In spite of that those (Jews) used to learn such (magic) from both of them by which they caused separation between husband and wife. Yet they cannot harm anyone by this except under the Command of Allah. And they learn only the things which are harmful to them and bring them no profit. And surely they (also) knew that he who would buy this (sorcery or disbelief) would not have any share in the Hereafter. And most evil is that for which they sold (the real well-being or the success of) their souls (in the Hereafter). Would that they knew (the truth of) this (bargain)!