75قُل مَن كانَ فِي الضَّلالَةِ فَليَمدُد لَهُ الرَّحمٰنُ مَدًّا ۚ حَتّىٰ إِذا رَأَوا ما يوعَدونَ إِمَّا العَذابَ وَإِمَّا السّاعَةَ فَسَيَعلَمونَ مَن هُوَ شَرٌّ مَكانًا وَأَضعَفُ جُندًاT. B. IrvingSAY: "May the Mercy-giving extend an opportunity to anyone who has been in error so that when they see what they are threatened with, whether it is torment or even the Hour, they will know who is in a worse plight and has the weakest following.