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Sura 18
Aya 42
وَأُحيطَ بِثَمَرِهِ فَأَصبَحَ يُقَلِّبُ كَفَّيهِ عَلىٰ ما أَنفَقَ فيها وَهِيَ خاوِيَةٌ عَلىٰ عُروشِها وَيَقولُ يا لَيتَني لَم أُشرِك بِرَبّي أَحَدًا

Muhammad Sarwar

(Sure enough the rich person's) fruits were all destroyed and he began to wring his hands in grief for all that he had invested in his garden. He found his garden tumbled to its trellises and said, "Would that I had not considered anything equal to my Lord".