93أَو يَكونَ لَكَ بَيتٌ مِن زُخرُفٍ أَو تَرقىٰ فِي السَّماءِ وَلَن نُؤمِنَ لِرُقِيِّكَ حَتّىٰ تُنَزِّلَ عَلَينا كِتابًا نَقرَؤُهُ ۗ قُل سُبحانَ رَبّي هَل كُنتُ إِلّا بَشَرًا رَسولًاQaribullah & Darwishor, until you possess an ornate house of gold, or ascend into the heavens; and we will not believe in your ascension until you have brought down for us a book which we can read' Say: 'Exaltations to my Lord! Am I anything except a human Messenger'