27إِنَّ المُبَذِّرينَ كانوا إِخوانَ الشَّياطينِ ۖ وَكانَ الشَّيطانُ لِرَبِّهِ كَفورًاMuhammad AsadBehold, the squanderers are, indeed, of the ilk of the satans - inasmuch as Satan has indeed proved most ungrateful to his Sustainer.1Since squandering - in the sense explained in the preceding note - implies an utter lack of gratitude for the gift of sustenance bestowed by God upon man, the squanderers are described as being "of the ilk [lit., "brethren"] of the satans". Regarding the deeper meaning of the terms "satans" and "satanic", see surah 15, note 16.