110قُلِ ادعُوا اللَّهَ أَوِ ادعُوا الرَّحمٰنَ ۖ أَيًّا ما تَدعوا فَلَهُ الأَسماءُ الحُسنىٰ ۚ وَلا تَجهَر بِصَلاتِكَ وَلا تُخافِت بِها وَابتَغِ بَينَ ذٰلِكَ سَبيلًاJ. M. RodwellSAY: Call upon God (Allah), or call upon the God of Mercy (Arrahman), by whichsoever ye will invoke him: He hath most excellent names. And be not loud in thy prayer, neither pronounce it too low; but between these follow a middle way: