110قُلِ ادعُوا اللَّهَ أَوِ ادعُوا الرَّحمٰنَ ۖ أَيًّا ما تَدعوا فَلَهُ الأَسماءُ الحُسنىٰ ۚ وَلا تَجهَر بِصَلاتِكَ وَلا تُخافِت بِها وَابتَغِ بَينَ ذٰلِكَ سَبيلًاTaqi UsmaniSay, .Call (Him by the name of) Allah or Ar-RaHman, in whichever way you call, His are the Best Names. Do not be (too) loud in your Salah, nor be (too) low in it, and seek a way in between.