86وَإِذا رَأَى الَّذينَ أَشرَكوا شُرَكاءَهُم قالوا رَبَّنا هٰؤُلاءِ شُرَكاؤُنَا الَّذينَ كُنّا نَدعو مِن دونِكَ ۖ فَأَلقَوا إِلَيهِمُ القَولَ إِنَّكُم لَكاذِبونَGeorge Saleand when those who shall have been guilty of idolatry shall see their false gods, they shall say, O Lord, these are our idols which we invoked, besides Thee. But they shall return an answer unto them, saying, verily ye are liars.