27ثُمَّ يَومَ القِيامَةِ يُخزيهِم وَيَقولُ أَينَ شُرَكائِيَ الَّذينَ كُنتُم تُشاقّونَ فيهِم ۚ قالَ الَّذينَ أوتُوا العِلمَ إِنَّ الخِزيَ اليَومَ وَالسّوءَ عَلَى الكافِرينَA. J. ArberryThen on the Day of Resurrection He will degrade them, saying, 'Where are My associates concerning which you made a breach together?' Those that were given the knowledge will say, 'Degradation today and evil are on the unbelievers,