3وَهُوَ الَّذي مَدَّ الأَرضَ وَجَعَلَ فيها رَواسِيَ وَأَنهارًا ۖ وَمِن كُلِّ الثَّمَراتِ جَعَلَ فيها زَوجَينِ اثنَينِ ۖ يُغشِي اللَّيلَ النَّهارَ ۚ إِنَّ في ذٰلِكَ لَآياتٍ لِقَومٍ يَتَفَكَّرونَMuhammad SarwarIt is God who spread out the earth and fixed mountains and placed rivers therein. He made a pair of every fruit and made the night cover the day. All this is evidence (of the existence of God) for the people who think.